Press Release: June 1, 2020
Celebrating the Word of God Here and Now!

Celebrating the Word of God Here and Now!
Spring 2020
Specially-composed songs were sung at the Kwanja-Ndung dedication ceremony which included men and women performing various dance-like moves. These women were symbolically “sweeping” to prepare the way for the “Victor” or “Chief” to come, acclaiming the Word of God as their Hero or Victor.Specially-composed songs were sung at the Kwanja-Ndung dedication ceremony which included men and women performing various dance-like moves. These women were symbolically “sweeping” to prepare the way for the “Victor” or “Chief” to come, acclaiming the Word of God as their Hero or Victor.
Dedications of lectionary series in Vuté & Kwanja-Ndung languages in Cameroon West Africa
Is it important?
“The lectionary connects present Christians with past generations who have used the same schedule of readings,” a local pastor shared. “Amazing unity is created among millions of Christians across the globe on any given Sunday. They hear the same texts following the same lectionary! Spanning thousands of miles and generations of believers, we are one body, strengthened by one Word.”
What is a lectionary?
The readings for each Sunday and church holiday – an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, an Epistle reading, and a Gospel reading. The lectionary creates an annual or three-year pattern of readings, following the Old Testament people of Israel. The readings also retell major events in the life of Jesus on a yearly basis, such as His birth, life, death, and resurrection.
Why use it?
Using local languages in public church practice, like the lectionary, dignifies those language communities. When a translation is recognized by the larger church, the language community is recognized as part of the body of Christ. The translated readings give readers and listeners God’s Word in their heart language!
In other news, Cameroonians dedicated the Bible House in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon on March 1st. This building helps make God’s Word available in the languages spoken in Cameroon. Lutheran Bible Translators thanks God for those who funded the Bible House and sister organization – Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada.
In other news, Cameroonians dedicated the Bible House in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon on March 1st. This building helps make God’s Word available in the languages spoken in Cameroon. Lutheran Bible Translators thanks God for those who funded the Bible House and sister organization – Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada.
Pastor Paul Tshell, one of the Vuté translators, presents the lectionary series to the Vuté community at the dedication ceremony. Pastor Paul Tshell, one of the Vuté translators,
presents the lectionary series to the Vuté
community at the dedication ceremony.
Thank you to all of our supporters. Bible translation cannot happen without you. With your help now people like the Kwanja-Ndung and Vuté have access to the Word of God in their own Language. PUT GOD’S WORD IN THEIR HANDS Reported by Lutheran Bible Translators staff Dr. Jim Kaiser in Ethiopia & Rev. Berhanu Ofgoa, Director of Ethiopia ProgramRead NowWorking with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary LeagueRead NowPastor Matlhaope understands the impact of Scripture in his native Shekgalagari language. Read NowRead NowRead NowBlog Articles
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Dr. Mike Rodewald, Editor
Barbara Beermann, Editorial Management
The Messenger is the official quarterly periodical of
Lutheran Bible Translators,
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©2020 Lutheran Bible Translators, Inc.
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Executive Director: Dr. Mike Rodewald
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