Press Release: July 12, 2024
Friday Field Notes

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From January to June there were many events at Bingham Academy. Because I teach in the middle school and high school and coach sports at all levels, I get to attend most events. They included an international day, a middle school beach party, high school banquet, 8th grade dinner, an international sports tournament (with schools from X countries), awards ceremonies and more! My favorite event from spring semester was the middle school beach party. I teach 8th grade Bible and homeroom, so it was expected I attend; but I didn’t expect to have so much fun! To create a beach party, we rented a pool and placed it on our sports field. In the past, haybales were purchased, covered with large tarps, and filled with water to create a pool. This year the price of hay tripled. So, renting a blow-up pool was more affordable, and it turned out to be more fun too. We had about 60 out of 70 students attend. The students enjoyed a slip and slide and there were buckets of water and sponges in case they weren’t wet enough from the pool.

Bandi people as well as Maan and Dan, have inclusive “we/our” and exclusive “we/our.” So I can talk to you and include you in my “we” or exclude you meaning me and someone else. In Joshua 24:24, the English reads: “We will serve the LORD our God. We will obey his commands.” At first, the translators used the exclusive “our” when talking to Joshua. But God is also Joshua’s God, so they changed it to the inclusive “our”. The other two “we” renderings stayed exclusive because they were making a claim about themselves.
This is the purpose of Bible translation, changed lives as people believe in Jesus as their Savior. Pray with me to that end for all the teams and the people groups their work will impact.

“YEAR OF THE BIBLE” – Dr. Chris and Janine Pluger
2024 marks the 125th anniversary of the first Protestant Bible Translation in Ethiopia. Onesimos Nesib was a freed slave who worked with other Oromos and Lutheran missionaries from Sweden to translate Scripture into the Oromo language. From this translation grew a Christian community that became the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), now the largest Lutheran church body in the world. Like Luther 375 years before, Onesimos’ translation standardized his language and allowed people to hear the Gospel of Jesus in the language they understand best. We are so blessed to be following in his footsteps.

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