Press Release: May 11, 2021
Study Partners

I was going to write about Ascension Day this week. Then it occurred to me that I really don’t know much about the Ascension, aside from the obvious.
To learn more, I went online and found a whole plethora of information. When Scripture has been available in your language for hundreds of years the number and variety of Bible materials is incalculable—digital, printed, audio. But others are not so privileged. If Bible translation is new to your language community, if the literacy rate is low, if there is no easy way to print or record or distribute, people have few options to engage in deeper study or research.
That’s why LBT partners with the Liberia Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO), The Institute for Sierra Leonean Languages (TISLL), and the Department of Bible Translation and Literacy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (DTA EELC). Each of these organizations is working to provide not only translated Scripture but also Scripture resources that enhance worship and increase understanding of God’s Word. Through their efforts, more people will have better access to an increasing number of Bible materials in a variety of media and formats.
So what about Ascension Day? My research showed that the Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost are inextricable in ways I’d never really thought about before. Everyone should have the same opportunity to study these and other pivotal events in the life of Christ and the development of the Church. Our partners overseas are working to make that happen. You can too! Click on the links above to learn more.
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