Press Release: June 30, 2023
Engagement in Botswana: Messenger Summer 2023

Engagement in Botswana
“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:4-5 (ESV)
The Botswana Language Exploration Program (BLEP), innovative dialogue-based research by Lutheran Bible Translators and Bible Society of Botswana, inspired a groundbreaking Bible translation summit. The research of BLEP seeks to discover the needs, hopes, and available resources for communities in Botswana to receive Scripture in the language they understand best. Many languages in Botswana are also spoken in surrounding countries, providing an opportunity for collaboration.
“Our intention is that this meeting will be a chance for different agencies and organizations to share about their current translation projects and activities as well as future plans. If we are aware of what other organizations are doing, it might open up possibilities for mutual aid (grouping cohorts together for translator training, working on a cross-border language effectively, etc.),”Carl Grulke, Program Director for Southern Africa.
Right now, 14 organizations and agencies plan to attend – representing work in eight different countries!
Director for Field Programs Paul Federwitz is excited about what this means for the future of translation and engagement, “It is important that we coordinate our work at the international, regional, and country levels. We each bring a unique perspective to the work. We want to make sure that our efforts are complementing each other and not competing.”
Coordinating efforts for Scripture Engagement, a key impact area of the More Than Words campaign, will break down barriers to the Gospel. Scripture Engagement creates new pathways for people to connect with Scripture in meaningful ways. Engagement includes language development for unwritten languages, literacy classes, audio Bible apps, video productions, and more.
Connection and innovation as the body of Christ will reach more people with the light of hope. You are also a vital part of the church’s global mission. Be a partner in prayer by visiting
Hear from Carl and Kelsey Grulke on the Essentially Translatable Podcast at
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