Press Release: March 18, 2015

Moving? Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) was formed fifty years ago through the vision of a former Lutheran missionary to Nigeria. LBT’s first office was established in Orange, CA. That office served as the center for LBT activity for almost twenty years. In 1984, the U.S. headquarters was relocated to Aurora, IL to meet the changing needs of supporting ministry and missionaries.
The combined years have been a blessing to many – forty New Testaments and four complete Bibles are now available in places where most would never otherwise get the chance to hear about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the work of LBT missionaries, almost eight million people now have access to God’s Word in their own mother tongue.
In 2014, with a new Executive Director on board, LBT’s executive staff analyzed how LBT might best meet the challenges of the future. Part of that consideration was the operating costs of the existing headquarters in relation to mission and missionary support. The Executive Director presented the findings to the board of directors, and a decision was made to allow the sale LBT’s aging U.S. headquarters and relocate the U.S. operations.
As word of this decision has been shared with partner organization leaders, we have been very encouraged by the number of invitations presented to LBT to relocate. Each invitation has its own merits. The Executive Director decided to allow organizations to present invitations through the end of March 2015. His executive team will then investigate the options, trusting that the Lord will make clear which invitation is most conducive to accomplish LBT’s vision of God’s Word for all languages.
The actual date of relocation depends on the sale of the building and invitation accepted, but the goal is that all support functions be relocated out of the building by the end of the first quarter of 2016. Watch our website for further updates.
Please keep this important time of decision-making for LBT in your prayers. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us at 630 897 0660 or through the LBT website.
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