Press Release: June 27, 2023
Starting New: Tiffany Smith’s Ministry in Tanzania

Starting New: Tiffany Smith’s Ministry in Tanzania
Have you ever moved to a new city, state, or country? Location change often brings both challenges to be overcome and excitement for new opportunities. Community Engagement Specialist Tiffany Smith just relocated to Tanzania. Her calling is vigorous: learn a new way of life and share the light of the Gospel with the Datoga Taturu people.
Tiffany is settling into life in Tanzania, and planning for the Taturu Bible project has her alive with excitement. “I’ve seen the strength of the Lutheran Church of Tanzania , and it is still growing. Taturu speakers, and communities like them, are far outside the cities, and the local churches are the only institutions that still try to reach out to them. I’m hopeful this Bible project will open a door for the local church. People here, Christian or nonbelievers, are interested in learning more about the Bible, they just don’t always have the greatest resources or access to it. I’m excited to help give them that access.”
Pastor Mdindi, who oversees many churches with a large community of Taturu speakers, and Michael Sombi, a respected elder in the Taturu-speaking community, are promoting project excitement. According to Tiffany, “[Michael Sombi] is passionate, proud of his heritage, and in full support of this Bible project. He cares a lot about having a way to witness to the unbelievers in his community.” Pastor Mdindi believes “[translating Scripture] will bridge the communication gap and make the Good News easier to receive. As we prepare for the translation project, our focus is to engage the community, create awareness about the project, and encourage the community to take ownership of the project.”
The project is big. The stakes are high. But Tiffany is surrounded by faithful, Christian witnesses in the community. God is already opening opportunities, and this joy is energizing Tiffany’s journey. The Taturu-speaking community needs your support and prayer. Support Tiffany, Pastor Mdindi, Michael Sombi and local leaders as this project begins – give now at!
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