Press Release: September 1, 2018
September 2018

- Praise God for the Yala reading, Bible recitation, and Scripture-based song competitions that took place at the end of August in Nigeria.
- Pray for the workshop taking place this week to encourage reading, use of Scripture materials, and further translation work in the Mbe and Obe languages of Nigeria.
- Pray for Paul and Ali Federwitz and their kids as they transition back to Ghana after working from the U.S. this summer.
- Pray for Kelsey Grulke (Botswana) as she participates in Paratext 8 translation software training this week.
- Pray for Rev. Andrew and Alexis Olson as they participate in a 2-week missionary preparation and skill building program in Missouri.
- Pray for the LBT Board of Directors as they meet this weekend.
- Pray for good health for Rob Veith as he works on an audio recording of the Khoekhoegowab New Testament in Namibia September-November and that those being recorded will have energy, focus, and clear voices.
- Pray that Rev. Claude and Rhoda Houge will get the prayer and financial partners needed so they can travel to Ghana as soon as possible to begin their ministry of teaching Micah and JoyAnna Federwitz.
- Praise God for the dedication of the full Kalanga Bible, and pray that people will engage more deeply with Scripture to edify the church in Botswana.
- Praise God for Katie Hogan’s work as Program Ministries Assistant and pray for a good transition back to work after maternity leave.
- Pray for wisdom, guidance, and good health as Dr. Jim Kaiser checks the translation of Matthew with the Zayse translation team during the next few weeks.
- Pray for LBT during the process of rebranding that God would guide the team with wisdom.
- Pray for safe travels and good connections for Emily Wilson (mission mobilization coordinator) as she travels and speaks this fall.
- Pray for the Beckendorf family (Botswana) as they travel to reconnect with churches and individual supporters.
- Praise God for the work He is doing through video projects in sensitive areas (SE Asia).
- Pray for Rev. David and Valerie Federwitz as they return to Ghana and get back into the rhythms of life.
- Pray for Director for Development David Snyder’s work in campaign preparation.
- Pray for Aaron and Andrew Beckendorf (Botswana) as they are confirmed this month—that they will hold fast to their faith and grow in it.
- Pray for Janet Borchard and Ruth Snyder as they travel to Papua New Guinea and are involved in training the Ipili translation team.
- Pray for good checking sessions as the Ikwerre team works with Rev. Chuck Tessaro (Nigeria).
- Pray for wisdom and guidance as LBT works on the goal setting budgeting process for 2019.
- Pray for Rev. Kierien Ayugha and the other teachers and students in the Linguistics and Translation Department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria as Bible translation workers are equipped.
- Pray for safe travels, wisdom, and good health for Rev. Linus Otronyi (Nigeria) and others involved in the Ikom Luke Partnership workshop.
- Pray for Rev. Andrew Olson and Jim Laesch as they visit Tanzania. Andrew will meet church and community partners and learn more about the Olsons’ future assignment and home.
- Pray for Rev. Berhanu Kambro, EECMY Southwest Synod Bible translation coordinator.
- Pray for Tim Kuhl and the LBT Canada Board of Directors as they continue their executive director search.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment for those who are considering missionary service with Lutheran Bible Translators.
- Pray for the 15 students beginning the new Bachelor of Theology course and for Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia.
- Pray for Rev. Rich Rudowske as he takes PhD courses and balances his other LBT responsibilities and family life.
- Pray for wisdom and resourcefulness for Ms. Christiana Jones, CEO of the Bible Society of Sierra Leone.
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