Press Release: November 3, 2020
Rough Going

My car seems a little off lately. Slightly sluggish, transmission sticks a bit. Probably to be expected even in a well-maintained 14-year-old vehicle. Since it takes me five minutes to get to work (yes, you read that correctly) I’m not too concerned. If and when there’s a problem, I can always call a friend or co-worker, or the local garage, to come help me out. And I’m pretty confident that if parts are needed, they will be available and not prohibitively expensive.
I’d feel a lot more anxiety if I lived and served on the mission field overseas where getting to work—encouraging partners, conducting workshops, meeting with church officials—often means driving long distances on rough roads. No conveniently located gas stations, few towns or villages, maybe no cell phone signal (assuming cell service is available at all). Finding parts for repairs can take weeks, and can cost considerably more than here in the U.S.
If you commute to work, or drive for a living, you know how vital it is to have reliable transportation. And you know the worse the road conditions, the more wear and tear on the vehicle. This is the situation LBT’s partners face every day. These are people who organize translation projects, supervise literacy classes, preach, teach, and share God’s Word with language communities so that faith can grow, and lives will change. They can’t work effectively if they are unable to get where they need to be.
Right now, there is an urgent need to replace four elderly, much driven, often repaired vehicles—two in Ethiopia, one in Sierra Leone, and one in Nigeria. You can help. Click here to give a gift. And please share this need with others. Together, we can keep the Gospel on the move!
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