Mende Scripture Engagement
Raise up literacy class facilitators and print primer materials to empower the Mende to engage with the written Word of God.

Mende Bible Translation
Translation has begun on the Old Testament, while team checking and consultant checks for a previous version of the New Testament are underway.

Loko Scripture Engagement
Support literacy classes and learning materials for Loko speakers. Community members need further literacy education to access and understand the Loko New Testament.

Limba Scripture Engagement
As Bible reading becomes a habit for Limba speakers, you can fund facilitator training, strengthening current classes and launching new ones.

Obe Bible Translation
The Obe people of northeast Cross River State in Nigeria excitedly received the print and audio version of the Gospel of Luke in 2018. Help further the work through financial and prayer support.

Sierra Leone Capacity: The Institute for Sierra Leonean Languages
TISLL promotes the teaching of indigenous languages to religious institutions, schools, and communities. Literacy rates in the country increased directly due to classes offered.

*Subula Bible Translation
Support the review and revision of the *Subula New Testament and the launch of the Old Testament program.

Yala Bible Translation
With a revised Yala New Testament, the program team works to promote its use. The team has its eyes set on bringing the Old Testament to its people.

Themne Bible Translation
The New Testament is set. The Old Testament is fully drafted. Your support is needed to carry the Themne team through checking phases and onto publication!