
Press Release: June 9, 2024

Prayer Calendar: June 9-15

june 9

ANSWERED PRAYER: The Kerewe team and Ruthie Wagner had a fruitful training time together. (Tanzania)

june 10

Pray for connections as the Shekgalagari team travels to communities to celebrate and distribute the recently published New Testament. (Botswana)

june 11

Pray the Suena, Yekora, and Zia teams receive solar kits that will provide consistent power for translation work. (Papua New Guinea)

june 12

Pray for wisdom and good health for the Mende translation team and Dr. Jim Kaiser, as they meet online to check parts of 2 Kings this week. (Sierra Leone)

june 13

Pray for the Khwe language community, as they plan the dedication of the Khwedam Panoramic Bible in late 2024. (Botswana)

june 14

Pray for insight as the Yala translation team meets with a consultant to work through parts of Ezekiel this month. (Nigeria)

june 15

ANSWERED PRAYER: Attendees gathered and celebrated God’s faithfulness to Lutheran Bible Translators over the last 60 years at the More Than Words event in Missouri.

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