Press Release: January 7, 2015
New Beginnings

Happy New Year! How many times have you heard that in the last week or so? As we move further into January, you’ll hear it less and less, then not at all. The year won’t be considered “new” anymore.
Yet Scripture tells us that renewal is all around us. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians “…we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly, we are being renewed day by day.”
Renewal, hope, growth, resolution, progress and accomplishment are not things predicated by a date on the calendar. They aren’t things we decide to do on January 1 and forget about by January 31. They are part of daily life, each day a gift from God, full of possibilities. Even on the days that bring us sadness or despair – even in the darkest times – God is with us. A new beginning is possible.
LBT was founded during one of the darkest times in the life of Rev. Morris Watkins. Please visit to learn more about Rev. Watkins and LBT’s early days in southern California.
Over fifty years have passed since LBT’s ministry began. We continue to resolve ourselves anew to making God’s Word accessible to people in their own languages. During 2015, several language groups will come significantly closer to completing their translations. New missionaries will receive training and possible new mission fields will be explored. We pray that you will join us in partnership as we serve to bring Scripture to not only the people of Nigeria – so dear to the heart of Rev. Watkins – but to people in need of the Word around the world. Visit to learn more about LBT missionaries and projects!
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