Press Release: December 10, 2019
Journey’s End

Have you ever wondered what it was like for the first explorers? Traveling through unknown territory, they must have wondered what they would encounter next. Would they find water and shelter? Would there be violent storms? How would the journey end?
Over 2,000 years ago a young couple began a journey that first took them to Bethlehem. As they awaited the birth of their Child, they must have wondered what the future would hold. What an awesome responsibility to raise the Son of God!
Those who serve with Lutheran Bible Translators on the mission field are also on a journey. Traveling around the U.S to build relationships with potential supporters, moving to another country, learning a new culture. It’s a journey into God’s Word, pointing the way to Jesus Christ for those who do not know Him. Serving around the world, even in the most remote places, their goal is clear—to make the Word of God accessible to those who do not have it in the language of their heart.
Christ’s earthly journey ultimately led to the cross—and redemption for those who believe. But hundreds of millions of people still do not know about Jesus Christ. Their journey through this world is without the comfort and hope that can only be found in God’s Word. In a way, they are like those early explorers, trying to find the safest path, but never certain of their destination.
Through translated Scripture, literacy programs, videos, music, worship materials and so much more, translation teams help people learn about our Savior. When people hear and understand the Good News about Jesus Christ, they have the opportunity to come to faith—and that faith assures them that the end of life’s journey here on earth is the beginning of eternity in heaven.

Christ instructed the disciples to “go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.” Lutheran Bible Translators’ missionaries continue to answer that call, serving in over 70 language communities worldwide to help bring people translated Scripture. But they don’t do it alone. They have the prayers and support of individuals and congregations serving in their own communities and beyond—those who walk with Christ to bring Christ to those who do not know Him.
Your interest in Bible translation and support for Lutheran Bible Translators is much appreciated by staff, missionaries and our many partners overseas. May God bless you on your journey as together we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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