Press Release: December 21, 2021
It Started Out Quietly…

O Little Town of Bethlehem is one of the best known and beloved of all Christmas carols. It depicts Christ’s birth occurring on a quiet peaceful night, going almost unnoticed. The Savior of the world arrives and only a few shepherds are aware that the Holy Child has been born!
Oftentimes the most important, most meaningful things, happen quietly, almost in the background. The work of teachers, social workers, pastors, firefighters, nurses, volunteers—all contributing daily to our safety, health, and quality of life— is frequently taken for granted.
Bible translation is like that. Many people are unaware of the great need for Bible translation and the many teams working diligently and faithfully to bring God’s Word to those who do not have it in a language they can understand. Most people don’t have the opportunity to see the powerful impact of Scripture as individuals and communities begin to understand through the translated Word just how important they are to God.
“I was truly overjoyed to see John 3:16 on paper,” said a Kerewe translator in Tanzania. For the first time, his people will be able to read and hear the words of this familiar verse in the language they know best. “I pray the Kerewe will see how much God loves them,” he continued. “His love is so great. A humanity who didn’t know Him, who didn’t seek Him. Yet He entered our darkness and sent His beloved Son.”
Christ’s birth may have been understated, but He changed—is still changing—the world.
Thank you for being part of the work of Bible translation through your prayers and gifts. Thank you for rejoicing as Scripture is shared with those who remain unaware of the impact the Holy Child has on humankind. Thank you for your often quiet but essential role in making God’s mission through Lutheran Bible Translators possible.
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