Press Release: December 18, 2013
Faith Comes by Hearing – Hearing the Word of Christ! by Martin and Joan Weber

God’s Word is sharper than a double-edged sword, and speaks to people’s hearts. We are hearing testimonies how listening to God’s Word in their language is touching people, and changing their lives.
A young man from Mbodjanga said, “I used to spend a lot of time drinking strong wine, and going after women, sleeping around. I often got into arguments and brawls. One day when I wasn’t drinking, I noticed a neighbor walking with a different kind of player. He said he was going to meet with his listening group. I asked if I could join them. He agreed, so I went with him. He played the second lesson on the MegaVoice player, about how sin came into the world. The next time, we heard the third lesson, the story of Cain and Abel. That got to me, hearing how God saw what Cain did, and even knew his heart before he killed his brother and warned him. I realized that whatever I do, even in secret, God sees me just as he saw Cain. I asked the Christians to pray for me, that I will leave all that I was doing in ignorance of God. Before I had no respect towards the Christians, but now I am the first one to call the others to come on time to hear God’s Word together. I stopped drinking. My life is different than it was before. I ask the Christians to keep praying for me, that God will continue to change me as I hear His Word.”
Elise said, “I was born in a Kwanja village to a Christian family. When I grew up, I moved away and married a Muslim man. I lived with him for a few years, and then began a life of prostitution in the city for several years. I don’t even know how to begin to tell of all that I did in my years of depravity. Afterwards, when I returned to my village, I found that a group had begun to meet together at my father’s place to listen to the audio Scriptures. From time to time, I listened as I kept my distance away from them. But after the stories, I asked questions so I could better understand them. The group leader encouraged me little by little, until I finally joined the group. I kept on listening from the beginning of the Old Testament stories, from when sin came into the world, and continued to when the group began listening to the New Testament. I felt like Jesus was talking to me when He said to the prostitute who wept at his feet, ‘Go, and sin no more’. Now I know that God is truly real, and that He gave His Son to save me. It is not that I returned to God, but that He came to me, and He brought me back to Himself. Praise be to our God Almighty!”
THANK GOD for His working through His audio Word to bring people to Himself!
Martin and Joan Weber have a Scripture Engagement ministry in Cameroon.
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