Press Release: August 1, 2018
August 2018

- Pray for Valerie Federwitz as she packs and prepares her family for their return to Ghana.
- Pray for the Grulke kids as they finish their first school term and continue to adjust to life in Botswana.
- Pray that the Derricks family would gain knowledge, skills, and relationships as they participate in an orientation program in Cameroon.
- Pray for Tim Miller as he supports literacy and Scripture engagement efforts.
- Pray for Kara Kuhn (Cameroon) as she nurtures her family and engages with the Nizaa community.
- Pray for Ruthie Wagner (Sierra Leone) as she engages in translation work and guides her busy family.
- Pray for Annabelle Hilbert (missionary kid) as she grows in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.
- Pray for Rob Veith who is attending and presenting at the Global Consultation on Music and Missions conference in Kenya.
- Pray for strength and wisdom as Sarah Miller (missionary kid) starts student teaching this fall in her final year of college.
- Pray that God will give wisdom and patience to Rich Rudowske as he directs international programs at LBT and supports missionaries and staff in their work.
- Pray for God’s blessings on the Yala project (Nigeria) as Psalms is prepared for printing and Judges is checked this month.
- Pray for safety and grace-filled travels as the Grulke family (Botswana) do a lot of traveling this month.
- Pray for wisdom and guidance for Jim Kaiser as he works with the Zayse translation team in Ethiopia.
- Pray for clear headedness as Becky Grossmann (Liberia) and Tim Beckendorf (Botswana) work on their respective thesis projects for their Doctor of Ministry program.
- Pray for safe travels and great community engagement as the Kalanga New Testament is dedicated in Botswana.
- Pray that Katie Hogan (LBT home office) will have creativity and energy as she guides her busy family and helps LBT missionaries.
- Pray for the kids of LBT missionaries who are going away to college for the first time -Aletheia Grossmann and Leah Federwitz.
- Pray that God would bless the preparations and partnership development efforts of Andrew and Alexis Olson as they prepare for their first assignment in Tanzania.
- Praise God that the Gola New Testament (Liberia) is nearing completion, and pray that nothing will hinder or confound the final checking and preparations for its printing and use.
- Pray for missionary kids who are continuing their college education and are in the process of moving, starting classes, and reconnecting with friends – Katherine Rudowske, Nathan and Julia Federwitz, Karissa Esala, Sarah Miller.
- Pray for the newest Themne translator, Mr. S.B. (Sierra Leone), as he is trained in translation principles and software.
- Pray for the Ikwere team (Nigeria) who hope to have Psalms and Proverbs ready for printing in the near future.
- Pray that the Ikom cluster teams (Nigeria) will make good progress in their work.
- Praise God for the reduction of back pain and continue to pray for healing for Becky Grossmann (Liberia).
- Praise God for those who have expressed interest in serving with LBT, and pray for discernment as they decide how to serve God’s mission.
- Praise God for how texting in the Khwedam language has spurred a desire for literacy among the Khwe in Botswana.
- Pray for healing for Moses, translator with the Khwedam team in Botswana, who is having issues with his eye.
- Pray for Rachel Federwitz as she begins a new on-line school for high school.
- Pray for gracious and safe travels for the Beckendorf family (Botswana) who are beginning a short furlough in the U.S.
- Pray for Joel Miller (missionary kid) as he moves to California, finds a job, and starts a 9-month discipleship program.
- Praise God for the consulting, teaching, and mentoring that Michael Megahan is doing in Southern Africa to advance Bible translation.
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