Press Release: April 1, 2018
April 2018

- Praise God that the message that Jesus has risen and conquered sin and death is being heard in the heart languages of people all over the world.
- Pray for Jon and Carol Shaneyfelt (U.S.) as they seek new prayer and financial partnerships so they can help missionaries who serve in remote locations.
- Pray for Rob Veith as he does Scripture song recordings in Kosovo this month.
- Pray for Paul and Ali Federwitz (Ghana) as they fine tune details for their upcoming furlough.
- Pray for Eshinee Veith as she develops appropriate training resources for LBT missionaries.
- Praise God for the progress made by the Ikom translation team (Nigeria) and for their successful Luke Partnership workshop.
- Pray for those who are coordinating the many aspects of LBT’s annual training event this summer.
- Praise God for the Grulke family who is being commissioned today to serve in Botswana.
- Pray for God’s blessings on the Yala team (Nigeria) during consultant checking this week and next. They have the goal of publishing Psalms midyear.
- Praise God for the pre-launch training of how to use the new Gospel of Luke resources that took place last month in the Mbe, Obe, Nkim-Nkum and Ekpari languages (Nigeria).
- Pray for wisdom as LBT considers translation and Scripture engagement needs and how to best meet them.
- Pray for the staff and students of the Bible Translation Department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria. Rev. Kierien Ayugha and Chuck Tessaro are teaching there this term.
- Pray for insight as Tim Beckendorf serves as translation advisor in Botswana.
- Pray for safety and wisdom for David Federwitz as he travels in Sierra Leonne meeting with LBT missionaries and partners.
- Pray for Andrew Olson as he continues linguistics training for his family’s first assignment with LBT.
- Pray for discernment as LBT expands work in Ethiopia.
- Pray for grace and solid friendships as missionary kids relate to others in their host cultures.
- Pray for the Grulke family as they settle into their new lives in Botswana.
- Praise God for ministry work in Southeast Asia.
- Pray for health, wisdom, and stamina for the Derricks family as they continue to adjust to their new life in Cameroon.
- Pray for Nathan Esala as he assimilates research findings for his PhD dissertation.
- Pray for new ideas as Amy Formella (Sierra Leone) navigates the bumps in the road of language and culture learning.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann (Liberia) as she advises translation work and also pursues education to support her role.
- Praise God that many Ipili people (Papua New Guinea) bought AudiBibles and SD cards containing the Ipili Scriptures during a Scripture engagement visit. Pray that they will listen to God’s Word and share it with others.
- Pray for the Nsenga Bible translation team (Zambia) as three translators attend a United Bible Societies Training Workshop in Kenya.
- Pray for Alvina Federwitz (Mission Participation Coordinator) as she manages arthritis that makes it painful to do computer work.
- Pray for God’s guidance for those considering missionary service with LBT.
- Pray for Josh and Ruthie Wagner (Sierra Leone) as they connect with partners during furlough.
- Pray for the printing process of the Kalanga (Botswana) Bible manuscript so that it can be launched this upcoming August.
- Pray for Sarah Esala as she prepares resources that support missionary kids.
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