Press Release: November 30, 2021
Support Aramaic Bible Translation this Giving Tuesday!

What translation/edition of the Bible do you use? I’m sure you chose one that was printed in clear, recognizable letters in your language and formatted for ease of use.
But what if such a thing wasn’t available? What if the only Bible you could get was the text as it appeared in the original King James or Geneva Bible? Sure, it’s possible to read but it certainly takes more attention and thought to decipher some of the letters and words.
Those who speak modern dialects of Aramaic languages find themselves facing this situation. Outdated translations make it hard for present-day Aramaic Christians to use and understand God’s Word. You can help provide Scripture to these descendants of the early Christians. Click here to make your Giving Tuesday gift in support of Aramaic Bible Translation. For more information about the history of the Aramaic people and current translation efforts, listen to LBT’s podcast Connecting the Aramaic Culture.
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