Press Release: July 1, 2015
Relocation – Nothing Changes – Dr. Mike Rodewald

Relocating? Nothing changes!
The world needs God’s Word. The gospel is something that along with Paul, we are not ashamed of, for it is the power of God for salvation for all who believe (Rom 1:16). Through His grace, God has given us that gift despite the unworthiness of each and every one of us.
We are changing the location of our LBT offices but not our purpose. The history of the LBT service center for our missionaries began in southern California, then moved to northern Illinois and now begins a new chapter in western Missouri. There is much positive expected in this change including lower operating costs and improved missionary care. The new facilities are being rapidly renovated and we plan to have all functions moved out of our current building by the end of August.
The need remains the same – the good news of God’s Word for a lost population. Martin Luther wrote of the Bible almost 500 years ago, “Would that this one book were in every language, in every hand, before the eyes, and in the ears and hearts of all men.” Nations have risen and fallen since Luther wrote those words but serving through the task of Bible translation, our vision continues constant – God’s Word for every language – no matter how the world’s wisdom facilitates or hinders that vision.
Locations change, organizations, institutions and nations rise and fall, however the Word remains forever (1 Peter 1:25). This is good news for the world. Nothing has changed.
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