Paul and Ali Federwitz

Paul and Ali Federwitz

Meet the Missionary Paul and Ali have been serving with Lutheran Bible Translators since 2006, first in Ghana and now in Ethiopia. Paul has served partners and missionaries in various IT roles, helping people use technology to further the work of Bible translation. He currently serves as Chief Programs Officer. In this role he provides…

Rev. Dr. Glenn & Susan Fluegge

Rev. Dr. Glenn & Susan Fluegge

Meet the Missionary Rev. Dr. Glenn & Susan Fluegge have recently joined Lutheran Bible Translators, where Glenn serves as the Seminary Program Coordinator, collaborating with partner institutions worldwide to train local Bible translators. Glenn also continues to serve as professor of theology at Concordia University Irvine, CA. Through a unique partnership between Concordia and Lutheran…

Marshall and Vanice Schultz

Marshall and Vanice Schultz

Meet the Missionaries Marshall and Vanice Schultz have been missionaries with Wycliffe, USA, and with Lutheran Bible Translators for well over 40 years. For some years, the Schultzes served in administrative roles in French West Africa.  For about two decades, the Schultzes were part of the Executive Director’s Staff at SIL International in Dallas, Texas,…

Jon and Carol Shaneyfelt

Jon and Carol Shaneyfelt

Meet the Missionaries Jon and Carol Shaneyfelt were introduced to the need for people with computer/technical skills to be involved in Bible translation by a friend who was already a missionary pilot in Papua New Guinea. After a time of prayer and consideration, Jon and Carol decided together to apply, and were accepted as members…

Rob and Eshinee Veith

Rob and Eshinee Veith

Meet the Missionary Rob and his wife, Eshinee (once missionary, now staff), have served with Lutheran Bible Translators since 2004. Rob serves as Lutheran Bible Translators’ Scripture Engagement Practitioner. Rob  works with creative people to create new works for the glory of God, encouraging more indigenous forms of worship, evangelism, and discipleship. He also does…