Press Release: November 14, 2012
Reflections on Moving Back to the U.S. by Nathan Esala

A few days ago I regrouped regarding our move back to the U.S. I looked at what had been done, what still needs to be done, what won’t get done, along with a calendar to set some specific dates. I was fine until I made that last move. Our time of departure is rushing towards us like a locomotive. With all this said, God continues to be gracious to us. Here are just a few ways:
* The KOLIBITRAP translation team has finished drafting and harmonizing the entire NT!
* Dates for checking these last portions with the consultant have been set for the end of this month. This was a looming uncertainty in our lives. Would it even get done before we moved? It will!
* Many of the items we need to sell have been sold via an e-mail moving sale.
* We have a good home for our dear dogs.
* The kids are doing very well—even as they see their toys disappear for packing or for selling. We have had wonderful times reflecting on our lives here in Ghana.
* We have been able to see our Lutheran church in Nasuan grow stronger the past couple years, and this has been highlighted to us in various ways recently. This helps with our good-byes.
* We were able to see our pastor friend Issah recover almost completely from what appeared to be a stroke. At one point, he couldn’t speak and had difficulty moving his left side. Now he stands in church and preaches again. What a testimony!
* We were experiencing brake problems with our car— a tricky situation when your mechanic is a rough 3½ hours away. God protected Nathan as he got the car to Tamale and then guided the mechanic in fixing the problem.
* Just yesterday, when a new complication to our lives sprung upon us, we were able to recognize that we had a choice and another opportunity to trust God. Satan was pushing us to become angry and bitter (and we were heading down that road). God allowed us to renounce the devil and place our faith in him again. Now we get to see how our faithful God will come through for us in this matter.
Things we will miss:
► Our gorgeous night sky (no light pollution)
► Our dogs and puppies
► Mangos and guavas that we can pluck right off our trees
► The drumming music at church
► Visits with “Auntie Elizabeth” on market days (along with missing our other friends)
“Good riddance” list:
► Malaria and mosquito bites
► Mice making homes in our car and then dying where we can’t remove them
► Unpredictable TP and toilets throughout Ghana
► Termites who “make the most of every opportunity”
► 3½ hour drive to grocery shop for things like oatmeal and butter
Rev. Nathan and Sarah Esala have served among the Komba people of Ghana for the past 9 years. They will return to the U.S. late this month. They will continue to serve as LBT missionaries, with a new assignment after Nathan completes his doctoral degree.
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