Press Release: June 2, 2024
Prayer Calendar: June 2-8

june 2
Pray God guides and gives wisdom to Eshinee Veith, Innovation Manager, in her doctoral studies and dissertation.
june 3
Pray for discernment and unity for the Wayeyi team as they check the books of John and Acts with a consultant. (Botswana)
june 4
ANSWERED PRAYER: Praise God. Rev. Tim and Deac. Erin Schulte received a letter of invitation from the Lutheran Church of Cameroon. Pray for their preparations.
june 5
Thank God with Jake and Michelle Gillard, Program Assistant to Papua New Guinea, for 25 years of marriage and blessing their lives to be on mission.
june 6
Pray local leaders have discernment as they work with communities to identify people to be a part of Oral Bible Storytelling and strengthen the translation work. (Tanzania)
june 7
Pray for the Shi* language community working with their newly developed writing system. (Southeast Asia)
june 8
Pray for Stephen Ttopoqogo, local leader, as he mentors and trains others in the Zaka Circuit. (Papua New Guinea)
*pseudonym used due to sensitive situation
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