Press Release: July 14, 2020
Building for the Future

Many of us experienced working from home for the first time over the past few months. If you’re like me, you didn’t have a designated space where you could easily set up a computer, spread out and get to work. I had to improvise in order to be both comfortable and productive.
Though work continued with relatively few problems or interruptions, all my co-workers agreed that the inability to meet together was challenging. Sharing ideas, working through problems, supporting and encouraging one other is not quite as effective over Zoom or Skype. Having a central office where all can gather and interact in person is integral for effective communication, productivity and growth.
The same is true for our partners overseas. Bible translation, literacy, and Scripture engagement should continue with local motivation and direction. But in many cases, there is no designated location where those involved in language programs can meet safely, have access to a reliable power source and equipment, and completely focus their attention on the work of sharing God’s Word. These talented, dedicated people need your help to develop their infrastructures. A gift to the International Development Fund is an investment in the future of Bible translation and the growth of the Church.
Click here to learn how you can support and pray for those serving to bring Scripture to their language communities.
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