
Press Release: April 1, 2018

April 2018

  1. Praise God that the message that Jesus has risen and conquered sin and death is being heard in the heart languages of people all over the world.
  2. Pray for Jon and Carol Shaneyfelt (U.S.) as they seek new prayer and financial partnerships so they can help missionaries who serve in remote locations.
  3. Pray for Rob Veith as he does Scripture song recordings in Kosovo this month.
  4. Pray for Paul and Ali Federwitz (Ghana) as they fine tune details for their upcoming furlough.
  5. Pray for Eshinee Veith as she develops appropriate training resources for LBT missionaries.
  6. Praise God for the progress made by the Ikom translation team (Nigeria) and for their successful Luke Partnership workshop.
  7. Pray for those who are coordinating the many aspects of LBT’s annual training event this summer.
  8. Praise God for the Grulke family who is being commissioned today to serve in Botswana.
  9. Pray for God’s blessings on the Yala team (Nigeria) during consultant checking this week and next. They have the goal of publishing Psalms midyear.
  10. Praise God for the pre-launch training of how to use the new Gospel of Luke resources that took place last month in the Mbe, Obe, Nkim-Nkum and Ekpari languages (Nigeria).
  11. Pray for wisdom as LBT considers translation and Scripture engagement needs and how to best meet them.
  12. Pray for the staff and students of the Bible Translation Department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria. Rev. Kierien Ayugha and Chuck Tessaro are teaching there this term.
  13. Pray for insight as Tim Beckendorf serves as translation advisor in Botswana.
  14. Pray for safety and wisdom for David Federwitz as he travels in Sierra Leonne meeting with LBT missionaries and partners.
  15. Pray for Andrew Olson as he continues linguistics training for his family’s first assignment with LBT.
  16. Pray for discernment as LBT expands work in Ethiopia.
  17. Pray for grace and solid friendships as missionary kids relate to others in their host cultures.
  18. Pray for the Grulke family as they settle into their new lives in Botswana.
  19. Praise God for ministry work in Southeast Asia.
  20. Pray for health, wisdom, and stamina for the Derricks family as they continue to adjust to their new life in Cameroon.
  21. Pray for Nathan Esala as he assimilates research findings for his PhD dissertation.
  22. Pray for new ideas as Amy Formella (Sierra Leone) navigates the bumps in the road of language and culture learning.
  23. Pray for Becky Grossmann (Liberia) as she advises translation work and also pursues education to support her role.
  24. Praise God that many Ipili people (Papua New Guinea) bought AudiBibles and SD cards containing the Ipili Scriptures during a Scripture engagement visit. Pray that they will listen to God’s Word and share it with others.
  25. Pray for the Nsenga Bible translation team (Zambia) as three translators attend a United Bible Societies Training Workshop in Kenya.
  26. Pray for Alvina Federwitz (Mission Participation Coordinator) as she manages arthritis that makes it painful to do computer work.
  27. Pray for God’s guidance for those considering missionary service with LBT.
  28. Pray for Josh and Ruthie Wagner (Sierra Leone) as they connect with partners during furlough.
  29. Pray for the printing process of the Kalanga (Botswana) Bible manuscript so that it can be launched this upcoming August.
  30. Pray for Sarah Esala as she prepares resources that support missionary kids.

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