Press Release: March 21, 2012
The Ipili people will soon see Jesus speaking their language! by Terry and Janet Borchard

Tears of joy streamed down my face as I watched Jesus speaking perfect Ipili for the first time in my life. The Ipili people knew that Jesus could understand their language and have been praying to Him in Ipili for a long time, but now they will be able to not only hear, but also see Him, speaking their own language for the first time in their lives.
It was very inspiring to record the script for the Jesus video in the Ipili Language. Many of the people who read the script were the same people who had helped us record the Ipili New Testament, but this time they could read much better, so we were able to finish the recording in less than half of the time that we had allowed to record it.
Dan and Kay Finley, of Lutheran Bible Translators, did a really excellent job of recording the script for us. Because this is a movie, they had to try to make the Ipili words match the mouth movements that were filmed with actors speaking in a different language. It is very difficult to do that, but they did a great job.
This is the first movie that the Ipili people will have in their language. Pray that God will use it to draw those who are Christians closer to Himself after hearing what Jesus said, and seeing what he did to save them from their sins. Also pray that He will use it to reach people who are not yet Christians. These people might not have ever thought about going to church, but would love to see a movie in their own language, and might want to become Christians after seeing this movie.
Janet and Terry Borchard served the Ipili and Enga people of Papua New Guinea.
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