Press Release: August 25, 2020
That Time of the Year

This is posting on August 25. You know what that means.
Only four months until Christmas!
I’ve been receiving these monthly reminders from well-meaning friends via social media since June. Nothing really new about that. Upcoming holidays are always advertised well in advance.
Though in some ways this year has seemed really long, time keeps marching on. With the uncertainties that continue to face us, we cannot know what may happen in the coming months. Our usual “normal” Christmas may not be possible.
But the fact that Christ was born is something we should remember and celebrate every day. His death and resurrection give us the promise of eternal life and the courage to face whatever challenges daily life presents.
And because there are millions of people in the world who do not know Jesus, Lutheran Bible Translators continues to serve overseas in Bible translation, literacy, language development, and Scripture engagement projects. Even in the face of COVID-19. Especially in the face of COVID-19.
If you haven’t already, take a moment to learn more here. Click on one or more of the listed projects or missionaries to get a picture of the scope of LBT’s mission. We welcome you to give a gift if you are able. We ask you to pray. Tell others about the great need for Bible translation.
I won’t say Merry Christmas. That will come soon enough! I will say that we at LBT continue to pray for the health, safety and well-being of all people. And on behalf of LBT and those we serve, thank you for helping us put God’s Word in the hands of those still waiting for Scripture in a language they understand.
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