Press Release: January 11, 2022
Scripture Speaks

Everything else, arts or literature, is pursued and practiced day and night, and there is no end of labor and effort; but Holy Scripture is neglected as though there were no need of it…But its words are not, as some think, mere literature; they are words of life… Martin Luther

Luther firmly believed that all people should read Scripture for themselves daily. It was the reason he translated the Bible into common German and advocated that Scripture should be available in all languages. I’m sure he’d be happy to know that today most U.S. households own at least one Bible. But he’d be dismayed to learn that some things don’t seem to change. Even as the people of his time neglected Bible reading, only 11% of all Americans read Scripture every day, despite the many options available. Why so few? Not enough time! Too many other things to do!
It’s certainly true that we are distracted from Bible reading by all the demands on our time and attention. If you find yourself among the 89% struggling to carve out time for Scripture, Lutheran Bible Translators can help through the Living Water project.
Living Water provides a new way for English speakers to experience Scripture. It is a word-for-word rendition of the ESV New Testament sung and recorded by world-class artists. Click here to learn more about Living Water then listen to a sneak peak of Matthew chapters 1-6. If you, like others, find this refreshing and uplifting, subscribe to access more chapters.
Luther said, “When the Scripture speaks, God speaks.” Listen to what He has to say! Then help share His Word by supporting Living Water or one of LBT’s translation or literacy programs.
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