
Press Release: August 3, 2015

Relocation – Is it over yet?

Relocation_-_Snyder_v01_WP_ratioSo MANY decisions to make. Can’t it just be over?!? For months and months we have been working on planning, sorting, organizing LBT for the move. Now it is time to attend to moving ourselves.

About ten days ago my wife and I took a four-day house hunting trip to Concordia. While we were there, we toured the new building.

It certainly is being transformed. But I wonder… will it be ready in just five weeks?

is it done photosWalls and doors have been moved and the new walls are finished and painted. A ton of wiring for internet is roughed in. I hear that the rails for the ceiling tiles are being put in this week. Then lights, I think. And trim is going up soon.

As we met people in and around town, Ruth and I heard constant comments about how it is a wonderful place to live. There is a strong sense of community. Everyone we met was quite friendly and helpful. And as you drive around the area, there are some really pretty views.

I must admit, though, house hunting was not successful in the way we anticipated. There are about 25 houses on the market in Concordia. (That’s all.) I don’t think a new house has been built in the city since 1999. We were toying with the idea of buying an 1895 built downtown two-story shop that has the store below and the office space above and renovating the upstairs for living. But… the two on the market are needing significant repair. Perhaps God will create an opportunity for another unit to become available…

Ruth and I have moved quite a few times over our career as missionaries. At times like this I often think of a verse in Proverbs. It reads “Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.” We’ve been trying to do just that. I’ve focused my energy on preparing LBT for the move. I think we are in pretty good shape. And other staff have been doing the same. Now it is time to pay attention to the more personal needs. Please do pray with our staff, especially those moving, as we each put effort toward “building our house” now that the “fields are (mostly) prepared.”

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