Rev. John and Maila Davies
Meet the MissionarIES Missionaries Rev. John and Maila Davies met while preparing for overseas mission service. After they married, they worked in Papua New Guinea. They established their home in a remote mountainous region among the Kobon people, where they raised their children, gave medical help to the people, and analyzed the sounds of the previously-unwritten Kobon…

Dr. Danny and Becca DeLoach
Meet the Missionary Dr. Danny and Rebecca DeLoach served for 20 years in Papua New Guinea where they worked with local and national church leaders to integrate the use of vernacular Scriptures into the ministry of the church. Danny and Rebecca are now based in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area where Danny is a Global…

Rev. Dr. Nathan and Sarah Esala
Meet the Missionary Rev. Dr. Nathan and Sarah Esala joined Lutheran Bible Translators in 2002, living and working among the Komba people in Northern Ghana for nearly 10 years. In 2014, Nathan began serving as Lutheran Bible Translators’ translation coordinator, while Sarah served on Lutheran Bible Translators’ member care team. In 2021, Sarah began serving…

Nathan and Sarah Federwitz
Meet the Missionary Nathan was raised in Papua New Guinea where his parents served as missionaries. After high school he attended Concordia University Wisconsin and received a Bachelor’s in Missions with a Director of Church Ministries certification. Following his undergraduate studies, Nathan attended the School of Missionary Aviation Technology in Ionia, Michigan. There he received…

Michelle Gillard
Meet the Missionary Michelle is serving as Associate Program Consultant for Papua New Guinea, supporting the new projects in the region and traveling there when needed. Michelle attended Concordia University St. Paul, where she completed her Director of Christian Outreach education (DCO) and later her Masters of Christian Outreach degree. She was a missionary in…