Press Release: December 12, 2012
Public Reading by Chris Pluger

On December 02 2012, the Gospel Lesson for the first Sunday in Advent was read at St Thomas Anglican Church in Petauke. Of course, the Gospel Lesson is read every Sunday, but this Sunday was different. This day, Father Mwanza read the lesson from the draft copy of the Nsenga Gospel of Mark. It was the first time that our new Nsenga translation has been read as part of a worship service.
Hearing God’s Word in their own language makes the Nsenga people very happy. One man commented, “It’s beautiful! I have loved it!”
To introduce the reading, Father Mwanza told his congregation, “What I am reading now is what Fr Tembo and his team are doing.” The congregation at St Thomas, and many other churches in Petauke District, are very supportive of our project.
As a Lutheran Pastor said on another occasion, “It’s my language. When I’m reading I feel very nice.”
We thank God for the public reading of the Nsenga Scriptures, because we know that “Chikhulupililo chuwela pakumvwa, nakuti kumvwa kupitila mu malizu a Khristu.” (Faith comes when hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.)
Chris and Janine Pluger have a translation ministry among the Nsenga people of Zambia. You can read more by visiting their personal web site.
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