
Press Release: May 19, 2024

Prayer Calendar: May 19-25

May 19

On this Day of Pentecost, pray the Lord sends His Holy Spirit into our hearts through His Word that we may continue steadfast in the faith.

MAY 20

Pray for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea as they envision future translation programs and organize a workshop for strategic planning.

MAY 21

Pray for training of Kerewe community members serving on the advisory committee. (Tanzania)

MAY 22

Thank God for the integrity and financial skills Angela Taylor, director of Operations, brings to her role.

May 23

Pray for the multiple programs in Tanzania as they identify people to be leaders in Oral Bible Storytelling.

May 24

Praise God for the successful dedication and distribution of the Gokana trial edition of Genesis. Pray the team continues to make progress with the remaining sections of the Old Testament translation. (Nigeria)

may 25

Pray for Rev. Mike Kuhn, program director – Cameroon, and family as they reconnect with supporters while in Canada.

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