Press Release: October 1, 2018
October 2018

- Pray that Gloria Kuhn will have joy as she lives and learns with her family in Cameroon.
- Pray for good connections with people as Rev. Rich Rudowske and Emily Wilson share about the work of Bible translation at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN.
- Pray for great learning as Rev. Rich Rudowske attends on-site classes for his PhD work.
- Pray for Eshinee Veith as she attends the Oral Bible Translation conference in Virginia on behalf of LBT.
- Pray for safety and fun times as Amy Formella’s family visits her in Sierra Leone.
- Pray for Rev. Andrew Olson and Jim Laesch as they finish up their travels in Tanzania and prepare for the Olson family’s move there next year.
- Pray for Rev. Claude and Rhoda Houge (Ghana) as they settle into their new home and begin their teaching responsibilities.
- Pray for wisdom as Jim Laesch guides and encourages the missionaries under his care.
- Praise God for the many ways God has taken care of Lizzie Wagner (Sierra Leone) this past year.
- Pray for fruitful conversations for those involved in the Regional Directors’ meeting taking place in Concordia, MO (October 10 – 18).
- Praise God for the passion and experience that Martin Weber contributes to translation and Scripture engagement efforts in Cameroon.
- Pray for safe travels for Eshinee Veith as she travels to, from, and within Namibia and Zambia during the next few weeks.
- Pray for uneventful travels as Jonathan and Carrie Federwitz (Papua New Guinea) visit partners during their furlough in the U.S.
- Pray for stamina, clear voices, and optimal participation for those involved in the Khoekhoegowab New Testament recordings that Rob Veith is facilitating in Namibia.
- Praise God for the healing Rev. Tim Beckendorf (Botswana) has had after an accident. Pray for continued healing and strengthening of his whole body.
- Pray for Tim and Michelle Miller as they visit LBT’s international offices and connect with people during a short furlough.
- Pray for Anthony Greff as he promotes LBT’s vision and work through social media.
- Pray for focus and clarity in thought as Rev. Nathan Esala researches and writes in South Africa and Ghana for his PhD work.
- Pray for safe travels and productive work for Janet Borchard and Ruth Snyder as they work in Papua New Guinea through October 27.
- Missionary life often requires lots of travel. Pray for the families of those left at home who have to juggle extra responsibilities.
- Pray for all who are traveling in Ethiopia this month to visit projects and prepare for next year’s LBT Crossroads trip.
- Pray for Eshinee Veith as she teaches and all those who are attending the translation conference in Lusaka, Zambia, to expand their translation skills (Oct. 11 – Nov. 22).
- Pray for a smooth IT setup for Rev. Berhanu Ofgaa for the new Bible Translation Program at Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia.
- Pray for God’s blessings as Rev. Linus Otronyi works with the Bible Society of Nigeria to reprint the Yala New Testament and Psalms. Pray for the needed funds to print it.
- Pray for the Gola translation team (Liberia) who are working to get the New Testament ready for typesetting this year.
- Pray for Linda Gari as she works to communicate about the work of LBT through its various publications.
- Pray for a renewed interest in translation projects where interest has been lost and for wisdom in how to move forward again.
- Praise God for the ministry of Charlotte Brandt as she serves LBT in gift records.
- Pray for the Olson family (Tanzania) during their meetings with staff at LBT’s international offices.
- Praise God for wisdom and good relationships as Rev. Chuck Tessaro and Rev. Linus Otronyi work with the Yala team in Nigeria.
- Pray for all those attending the three-week translation course in Nigeria, especially the Ikwerre translator.
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