Press Release: March 1, 2019
March 2019

- Pray for grace and spiritual refreshing as Lisa Beckendorf serves the Lord in Botswana.
- Pray for Levi Federwitz (Ghana) to develop his skills in soccer and for creativity in robotics.
- Pray that LIBTRALO’s new building will be a blessing for literacy and Bible translation in Liberia.
- Pray for Tilahun Mendedo as he travels in Ethiopia and Sierra Leone to gain a better understanding of projects for which he is raising support.
- Pray for mutual encouragement and learning between LBT and the Bible Societies it partners with in other countries.
- Pray that computers used to accomplish Bible translation work will be protected and used for God’s glory.
- Pray for Rob Veith as he travels to Kosovo and Namibia to facilitate Scripture engagement workshops.
- Pray for progress to be made in the Kukele project (Nigeria) and that the right people will be involved in its work.
- Pray for continued growth of faith and maturity for Micaiah Grossmann.
- Pray for peace and safe travels as Yala checking takes place March 11-22 in Nigeria.
- Pray for fruitful discussions as Bible agencies meet together at the Language Program Coordination Forum (Nigeria).
- Thank God for 4 years of life for Lydia Derricks and pray that she will continue to love and enjoy living in Cameroon.
- Pray for open hearts as Tilahun Mendedo encourages God’s people to support Bible translation work.
- Pray for those sharing about LBT’s Bible translation ministry at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
- Pray that the proclaimers and projectors from the Bible Society of Nigeria will be used to reach out to more people.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann as she does translation checking with the Dan and Maan teams in Liberia this month.
- Praise God that Emmanuel Mananyina has joined the Kolibitrap team as translator (Ghana).
- Pray for missionary kid Selah Olson as she and her family prepare to move to Tanzania.
- Pray for clarity for the videographer who is in Sierra Leone to document the importance of mother-tongue literacy.
- Pray for the meetings taking place in Sierra Leone as the regional director meets with team members there.
- Pray for Joan Weber and Jerome as they work on the Ndung lectionary (Cameroon).
- Pray that Hannah Federwitz (Ghana) will have confidence and joy in who she is as she matures.
- Pray for the Themne translation project and Ruthie Wagner (Sierra Leone) as she advises the team in drafting and checking the text and trains in computer, software, and translation practices.
- Pray for perseverance and wisdom for Alfred and Pastor Tshell Paul as they translate and check the Vute´ lectionary (Cameroon).
- Pray for wisdom for Paul Federwitz as he manages technology in LBT and how to utilize it well to track LBT programs accurately.
- Praise God that Mary Jane Grulke (Botswana) loves her school and is thriving there.
- Pray that the 6 translation teams in the Luke Partnership Ikom Cluster (Nigeria) will make progress during workshops taking place through May so they can have print, audio, and audio-visual versions of Luke.
- Pray for safe travel and a successful meeting of the Forum of Bible Translation Consultants in Nigeria as they consider best practices and how to encourage further consultant development.
- Pray for wisdom as LBT missionaries working in a sensitive area in Southeast Asia add administration roles to their work, engage in language learning, and develop mother-tongue materials for Exodus.
- Pray for Nathan Esala as he prepares for translation consulting in Ghana in April.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann (Liberia) as she juggles multiple responsibilities.
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