
Press Release: August 28, 2024

JAARS Pre-Field Orientation

A Glimpse into Missionary Aviation Training
Each spring, JAARS (Jungle Aviation And Relay Service) hosts a “Pre-Field Orientation” (PFO) for pilots and mechanics, providing essential training led by experienced missionaries from the JAARS training department. This orientation is crucial in preparing participants to operate effectively in the challenging environments they will encounter on the mission field.

Although Nathan isn’t directly participating in PFO this year, he has been assisting wherever possible, contributing to the preparation of those in training. The orientation culminates in a ten-day Mountain Week, but before that, orientees participate in a “production cross-country,” which simulates a typical day as a missionary pilot. During this exercise, pilots are tasked with transporting passengers and cargo to various remote runways and locations, closely mimicking real-life mission scenarios.

Sarah and Enoch with Nathan after one of his successful solo flights.

In this particular simulation, Nathan and his family were able to assist by acting as passengers. To add an element of surprise, they brought along their young son, Enoch, without informing the pilot in advance. This scenario was designed to reflect a common situation in many countries, where it’s assumed that a baby accompanies the mother wherever she goes. The unexpected addition of Enoch created a challenge for the pilot, as JAARS policy does not allow trainees to fly with minors. The pilot had to inform the family of this restriction, and they “had to figure out something to do with him.” Of course, this was all part of the simulation, and a babysitter had already been arranged in advance.

This exercise, while seemingly small, plays a vital role in preparing pilots for the unexpected situations they may face on the mission field, ensuring they are ready to serve effectively wherever they are called.

Learn more about Nathan and Sarah Federwitz and prayerfully consider supporting Nathan’s training with JAARS.

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