Press Release: November 17, 2020

Do you see yourself as inspirational?
Have you ever encouraged a friend or co-worker? Offered guidance to a child? Supported a cause?
Well then, you’ve provided inspiration. You have spurred on, impelled, motivated, and exerted an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence.
That’s what partners like you do for Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT). Your conviction that everyone should have access to Scripture in their own language motivates us as we serve overseas. Your prayers and notes of encouragement lift our hearts. And your financial support…words cannot express our gratitude and appreciation. Every prayer, every gift, is a blessing.
If you’re still not convinced that you’re an inspiration, look carefully at this photo that was taken several years ago. See the smile on his face? This Nsenga man was reading a test printing of the Gospel of Mark. As LBT missionary Chris Pluger reported, “It was a huge joy to see the warm, enthusiastic reception that people gave to the first printing of God’s Word in their own language.” That joy and enthusiasm was repeated throughout the Nsenga community when the completed Nsenga New Testament was dedicated in 2016.
You put a smile on the faces of countless people by helping make Scripture accessible to them in a language they can understand. And God’s Word is, of course, the most inspirational message of all.
This year has certainly been challenging. But we are thankful that missionaries and staff were able to adapt to changing circumstances, finding new and innovative ways to continue their work. We are humbled and gratified by partners overseas who found ways to meet challenges created by travel restrictions and communication issues to continue their important roles in language projects. And we have been inspired anew by the support people like you have provided even in the face of shared difficulties.
The archaic meaning of inspire is to infuse life by breathing into or upon. Genesis 2:7 tells us that the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life… Now He offers new life, eternal life, through Jesus Christ. Thank you for putting God’s Word into the hands of those still waiting for Scripture in a language they understand.
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