Press Release: May 6, 2020
Infinite Transformation

The rains have returned to Botswana! The life-giving water broke the drought that plagued this southern African country last year. Water physically transforms this semi-arid country. Rain means crops will grow and wildlife can flourish.
That’s not the only transformation happening in Botswana.
Rev. Tim and Lisa Beckendorf serve with the Khwe language project in northern Botswana. As they began translation, they discovered there was confusion regarding God’s Word and the church. “For most of the participants in the checking sessions that we’ve had, this is really their first contact with the Bible,” Tim and Lisa reported. “For the most part, they are all active in the local churches, however, after one session a participant commented to me, ‘We want to know what the church is. There are so many different churches in our villages and all they do is sing and pray, they don’t teach us the Bible.’ Even our translators are in unfamiliar territory as we work through Genesis. They really have never heard the stories before.”
Today, even those in remote villages have access to Scripture through audio recordings. Interest in literacy is growing. People attend church knowing they will hear God’s Word in their own language. Though the translation team is unable to meet in person due to COVID-19, work continues on translation and the development of literacy materials.

When it rains in Botswana, the transformation of the land happens fairly quickly. But as dry season approaches the lush landscape returns to its barren state. Though it offers life, rain is often unpredictable and inconsistent, providing transitory fulfillment for ongoing needs.
As the Khwe community is discovering, God’s Word is constant and reliable, offering nourishment for the soul under any and all circumstances. It provides unending and unlimited opportunities for spiritual transformation—transformation that impacts lives for eternity. As Isaiah 40:8 tells us, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God stands forever.”
Thank you for bringing God’s transforming Word to those in need of mother tongue Bible translation. Visit us on Facebook for the latest updates and news.
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