Press Release: March 7, 2012
God’s Word in Krio changes lives

Here’s a great story from our friends at The Institute for Sierra Leonean Languages (TISLL):
All glory, praise and honor to God Almighty. Krio is 80% spoken in Sierra Leone and TISLL is working assiduously in getting people to read and write their languages very well.
The Krio Proclaimer and NT Bible has been working wonders at Looking Town, Grafton. I have just moved to this beautiful secluded neighborhood full of conservative people and lifestyles but when I invited them to a one hour Saturday fellowship, it was gladly received and they started to attend. Sometimes whole families would come with their spiritual and physical needs and God always proved faithful to them.
There is a one hour fellowship every Saturday where the Krio Proclaimer(tm) (see Audio Bible Resources) is played and discussions are held. Prayers are also offered for the sick at every program and members look forward to it as their lives are transformed through this program. One such testimony is Pa Kamara who now understands Gods word clearly when listening to the Krio Proclaimer. “Before this time I hardly understood the King James Version Bible I was having. The English was archaic and confusing but when I had God’s word in my own language, it was real and I understood every word. The word is now working for me. Thank God for the Krio Proclaimer and Bible.”
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