Press Release: October 20, 2020
Full Bible Dedication in Namibia!

Khoekhoeba!hoa îts ta? Do you speak Khoekhoe (kway kway)?
This woman, and over 250,000 people in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa do! And on October 25, in Windhoek, Namibia, the Khoekhoegowab (KKG) people will celebrate the dedication of the full Bible in their language.
Rev. Shawn and Jill Boylan, former missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT), served with the KKG team to translate the New Testament. Kedra Kinney (then Larsen), assisted with audio Scripture and composition of KKG worship songs during her service with LBT. More recently, LBT’s Rob Veith provided training and technical support for the team recording the KKG audio Bible.
KKG is the world’s most spoken of the Khoisan group of languages, famous for using click sounds as consonants. There are four main clicks used in KKG, written as |, !, ǂ and ǁ, with five variations of each. Visit here to see the KKG alphabet chart. And see if you can locate the click consonants in the KKG Lord’s Prayer!
As Rev. Boylan stated, “The wonder and beauty of this language is impossible to describe in print.” To get a feel for the sound and how to produce the various clicks, take a quick lesson in basic KKG here.
Kai Aios (thank you) for your gifts in support of LBT, bringing Scripture to people in Namibia and beyond. If you’d like to support translation in another click language, LBT is serving with the Khwe people in Botswana. Though Khwedam is a part of the KKG language family, it differs significantly and requires its own project to bring Scripture to this remote language community. Help put God’s Word in their hands, too!
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