Press Release: April 27, 2021
From the Heart

When I was in elementary school, an annual art project for me and my fellow students was to create May baskets to present to our mothers. These were simply made using construction paper, and each of us was responsible for deciding what items to put into our own basket when it was completed.
I recall giving my mother baskets that contained cookies that came out of her own kitchen, with a few dandelions and some wild violets picked from the back yard thrown in for good measure. She always received these with great pleasure. It didn’t matter that she provided part of the gift herself or that the flowers were actually common weeds. To receive a gift from a child, given from the heart, is one of the joys of being a parent.
We don’t always think of it this way, but our heavenly Father is pleased when we use the time, talents and resources He gave us to further the work of His kingdom. It is a gift to see His own loving kindness and compassion reflected through our words and actions.
Your gift from the heart makes it possible for others to receive Jesus into their hearts. Thank you for putting God’s Word into the hands of those still without Scripture in a language they can understand.
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