Press Release: December 1, 2018
December 2018

- Pray for God’s blessings upon HR manager Melissa Schweigert as she celebrates her first birthday as a new mother.
- Pray for Rev. Claude Houge as he teaches JoyAnna and Micah Federwitz in Ghana.
- Pray for Martin Weber and SIL Wycliffe colleagues as they train new translation revisers and possible translators for the Dowayo and Fali languages in a northern city in Cameroon.
- Pray for Rhoda Houge as she joins Rev. Claude Houge in teaching after being delayed in the States. Praise God for their son’s successful surgery and continued healing.
- Pray that Isaac Esala will keep asking important questions to grow in his understanding of God and the world he lives in.
- Pray for Josh and Ruthie Wagner and family as they return to Sierra Leone to serve in the Themne Bible Translation Program.
- Pray for continued strength for Tim Beckendorf as the healing process continues from his accident in September.
- Pray for Elliot and Serena Derricks and family as they meet Fali people in the Fali homeland in Cameroon. Pray for the new relationships and for wisdom to choose a good future home for their family.
- Pray for the Bible Society of Nigeria end to end workshop in Calabar involving Yala, Bokyi, Ejagham and Efik languages.
- Pray that Bill and Freda Klassen have a good experience in Cameroon as they encourage the builders finishing the Bible House in Ngaoundere, a center for translators and church workers.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann as she prepares to give her doctoral defense on December 12.
- Prayers of thanksgiving for Judah Grulke and a great kindergarten year in Botswana.
- Pray for wisdom and patience for Jim Laesch and Rev. David Federwitz as they support missionaries and juggle the responsibilities of directing Bible translation work in many countries.
- Praise God for the continued work of IT Coordinator Paul Federwitz, who serves in West Africa but provides technology support to missionaries and staff worldwide.
- Pray for the Bible translation projects that are struggling due to personnel and training needs.
- Pray for the applicants for Crossroads Ethiopia, as well as missionary applicants, that God may grant them wisdom in discerning their calling.
- Pray for Valerie Federwitz as she prepares to return home for the holidays with her children and as they finalize things at St Paul for the semester.
- Praise God for Joan Weber’s decades of service in West Africa and pray that she continues to have good health.
- Pray for Serena Derricks as she spends her first birthday and Christmas in Cameroon.
- Pray that mother tongue Scripture will be shared in readings and songs and will encourage believers during the African Church Christmas conventions.
- Pray for Josiah Wagner’s adjustment to being three, moving back to Sierra Leone, and adjusting to another home and set of friendships.
- Praise God for the dedication of the staff of LBT Gift Records and pray that they will have renewed energy during the busy holiday and end of the year time.
- Pray for the Grulke and Derricks families who are celebrating Christmas for the first time in Africa.
- Pray for wisdom and strength for Josh Wagner as he and Ruthie lead their family through the transition of life back in Sierra Leone.
- We give thanks to God for sending His son, Jesus Christ, as we celebrate His birth.
- Pray for guidance and creative solutions for the executive leadership team as they prepare for 2019 and the years ahead.
- Pray for Eshinee Veith and Iantha Scheiwe as they prepare for the Concordia Mission Institute 2019.
- Praise God for the servant’s heart of Kathy Knipmeyer as she serves in Gift Records.
- Pray for Emily Wilson, mission mobilization coordinator, as she plans for spring semester travels to share about ministry opportunities.
- Join us in giving thanks to God for a fruitful 2018 and pray that God will continue to bless the work of Bible translation in the new year.
- Pray for Mical Hilbert as she continues to guide herself and her children through a successful transition of living state side.
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