Press Release: August 31, 2011
Blessings, by Kory Fay

You may recall that in early February, we followed Kory and Cara Fay as they begin ministry to the Nizaa people of Cameroon. Unfortunately, that service has been put on hold as the Fays were forced to return to the U.S. for medical reasons. Here’s an update from Kory that talks about the family’s next steps in God’s Kingdom:
We returned to the U.S.on medical leave. It was a very difficult and disappointing time. No one expected that we would need to leave so soon after arriving, least of all us. When it became clear that that was what He was leading us to do, we were still somewhat disappointed and confused, and yet we had the ”peace that passes all understanding.” There were a lot of tears and sleepless nights but our Father reminded us that He would never leave us or stop loving us. We are incredibly grateful for so many prayers, cards, and kind words sent our way. Our continued prayer has been that He would use the whole situation for His glory.
We have now been back for a little over two months. Cara has continued in counseling and is feeling much better than she did when we first arrived. We have all been praying fervently for God’s direction.
At this time, we feel like God is not leading us to go back to Cameroon. One thing that Cara learned about herself in Cameroon is that she is in need of community with other moms of young children. This is not something that she realized about herself before we left for Cameroon, but something that was realized once we were there. Galim is about 6 hours away from others who speak our language and 2 or 3 days drive from other young mothers. There is potential for another missionary couple to join with us on this (or another) project and therefore provide that need, but that is something to consider for the future. For now, Cara’s counselor and the staff at LBT wholeheartedly agree that remaining in the U.S. is the best decision for our family.
Although we will not be returning to Cameroon for the time being, we still have a strong desire to further LBT’s mission of bringing people to faith by making God’s Word available to them in the language of their hearts. This ministry has been on our hearts and a part of our lives for the last four years and is not something we want to quit being a part of just because things didn’t go exactly the way we thought they would. On August 11, we were able to meet with supervisors at the home office in Chicago. They offered us an assignment at the office where we would be using our God-given talents, training, and experiences as LBT missionaries to help our organization grow.
After a few days for praying, it was clear to us that this is a great opportunity for our family and we are very excited about the possibilities! We are still in discussion with our supervisors about the specifics, but we will have an active role in helping prospective/new missionaries to join our organization in the next few years, which is a lot of growth for our small organization!
We are planning to move to the Chicago area by the end of September. We firmly believe that life’s stormy and tear-stained moments can be used for God’s greater purposes. The most miraculous victory of all time was won when the disciples watched our Lord die on the cross and then saw Him in the flesh three days later. Talk about a blessing and a mercy in disguise! Walk with us as we move beyond disappointment and seek to serve the Lord where He has us today, not denying the past but living in the present and striving toward the future.
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