Press Release: September 15, 2020
A Story Worth Sharing

It seems like more and more days are being designated to celebrate all sorts of things. Some of the offbeat or obscure celebrations designated for September 15 include National Linguine Day, National Double Cheeseburger Day, and the more relevant and timely National Online Learning Day (established 2016).
There’s one other September celebration that’s near and dear to Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT). We’ve all benefited from the work of countless translators over the centuries, some of whom put their lives at risk to bring God’s Word to their people in a language they could understand. The feast day of one such individual—the 4th century St. Jerome, translator of the Latin Vulgate—is observed on September 30. In 1966, this date was designated as Bible Translation Day.
Many churches celebrate translation on the Sunday prior to September 30. Your congregation can join with others across the nation this September 27 to honor translators from the past, recognize those who are currently serving in translation ministry, and raise awareness of the ongoing need for Bible translation around the world. The theme of this year’s sermon is “The Building Without the Book.”
Click here to download free Bible Translation Sunday materials, including worship elements, sermon, bulletin insert, children’s materials and a short video. If you are unable to celebrate on September 27, please choose another date that is more convenient.
Bible translation is a team effort. Your prayers, your gifts, your advocacy are all vital to the mission of LBT. Share the story. Celebrate Bible Translation Sunday. Invite your friends to celebrate too! Working together, we can put God’s Word in the hands of people still waiting for Scripture in a language they can understand.
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