Press Release: June 1, 2011
To a soobri bee waandu sawru ma daggataa dow lekki (If you make friends with a monkey, your staff will not get stuck up a tree), by Kory and Cara Fay

Last week was our first glimpse of life through the eyes of LBT missionaries as they arrive in the field for the very first time! Kory and Cara Fay will have a translation ministry among the Nizaa people of Cameroon. Here’s another story from their early days in country.
This proverb means that if you are friends with the right people, your project will go smoothly. In English, we say the same thing when we say “it’s not what you know but who you know!” This is very true here in Cameroon! We have been very blessed by many people we’ve met here. Other than the people we’ve already mentioned in this prayer letter, another group of people that has been a true blessing to us are the workers who have been in Galim fixing up our house.
Martin Weber, along with a group of 5+ Cameroonian men of varying expertise, have been working hard to make our house livable. After praying, we felt God leading us to choose the house further away from the Nizaa quarter because the house in the quarter needed too many repairs and was outside of our budget.
Since making that decision, we have found that there are a few Nizaa who live very close to the house and are excited to speak their language with us. Our furniture and many of our belongings are already there. Our solar panels are set-up, the bats have been kicked out of the ceiling, the windows and locks have been replaced, most of the rooms have been white-washed, and so-on. After making sure the electrical wiring and the pipes are functioning the way they need to be, we will move in, probably in the first week of June. We praise God that through a few unexpected detours and challenges, these men have worked very hard and done great work on our house.
If you would like to follow the Fay family even more closely, check out their blog: Fay Footprints.
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