YekoraBible Translation
The Yekora New Testament project lay idle for years. Now, a group of young people is determined to finish the task. The team needs your support as they travel long distances for training and translation time.

- Papua New Guinea
- South Pacific
Language Population
Supporting the Yekora Team on Their Journey
After years of inactivity, the Yekora New Testament project is back in motion thanks to a dedicated group of young translators. While they’ve begun training, becoming fully equipped for this vital work takes time and effort.
Accessing training is a challenge. The team must cross mountains, forests, and oceans to attend workshops and consultant sessions. Travel costs, such as boat journeys, place a heavy financial burden on the project.
Your support helps bridge the distance, enabling the Yekora team to complete training and check translations with consultants. The team aims to publish the Gospels and Genesis, paving the way for the JESUS film in the Yekora language.

Empower Local Leaders to Bring God’s Word to Life
Every community deserves to experience the Bible in the language they understand best. Your prayers and financial support empower leaders in Papua New Guinea to translate Scripture into the Yekora language.
Program Goals
- Refine and Test Translations
- Improve Technical Proficiency
- Enhance Back Translation Skills
- Foster Emotional and Spiritual Healing
Yekora Bible Translation Plan
Step 1
Translation and Refinement
- Facilitate team and community-level checks for Acts, Corinthians, and new drafts of epistles.
- Conduct consultant checks for Genesis, Esther, Jonah, and New Testament books like Matthew and John.
Step 2
Training and Skill Development
- Host advanced back translation workshops to refine methodologies and promote high-quality translations.
- Equip Yekora translators through Rev79 and Paratext workshops. Proficiency in ensures accurate reporting, streamlines workflows, and ultimately accelerates the translation of the Bible into the Yekora language.
Step 3
Community Engagement and Healing
- Conduct trauma healing workshops to address emotional wounds and advance spiritual health among translators and their families.
- Plan community testing sessions to gather feedback on translations.
Meet the Local Team
Partner Organizations
Honoring the Language
Yekora is a Papuan language spoken in the Morobe Province.
Yekora only allows for open syllables and does not allow final consonant-vowel-consonant syllables.
Yekora is reconstructed as part of the Greater Binanderean languages.