SuenaBible Translation

Equip Suena translators with skills and training, empowering them to complete the Old Testament translation.

Bible Translation


  • Papua New Guinea


  • South Pacific

Language Population


In-Depth Training Leads to Effective Translation

Expatriate missionaries began translating the Suena New Testament in the 1970s. The church in Papua New Guinea (PNG) uses their New Testament regularly, but they hunger for more. The Zaka Lutheran Church Circuit in the Morobe province has appointed a local group to begin work on the Old Testament. But they need support.

The team needs technical training (in translation and technology), a building for translation workshops, investment in income-generating opportunities (e.g., renting boats), and funding for expenses faced by leaders who must travel for training.

Equip Local Leaders With New SKills

Your support through prayers and financial gifts will expedite the program in Papua New Guinea, equip and supply local partners for sustainability, and put the full Word of God in the hands of the Suena-speaking community in this generation.

Program Goals

  1. Draft Joshua, Nehemiah, and Esther.
  2. Conduct Paratext 2 workshop at Zaka circuit.
  3. Consultant check the book of Genesis.

Program Plan

Step 1

Draft the books of the Old Testament.

Step 2

Complete team and community reviews.

Step 3

Conduct the consultant review.

Meet the Local Team

Partner Organizations

Program Progress

  • Paratext 9 course and Initial Skills training complete.
  • Progress has been made to draft the first five books of the Old Testament.
  • Equipment has been purchased for the translation office.

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