Press Release: September 17, 2019
Open the Window!

“Translation it is that openeth the window, to let in the light that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel; that putteth aside the curtain, that we may look into the most holy place.” Preface to the King James Bible
Mrs. Mary Donkeh, translator with the Maan translation project in Liberia, was impacted by that preface. She said, “There are thousands of my people who have not had the window of God’s Word opened unto them. This is why I have chosen to become a translator, to open the window of God’s Word to my people.”
The Maan translation is one of over 70 language projects Lutheran Bible Translators currently assists. But the call to ‘come over to Macedonia and help us’ keeps multiplying. In the past two years we received requests for personnel and assistance from partners in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Madagascar and Namibia. There have been invitations to explore the possibility of working among language communities in Indonesia, Bhutan, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, and Southeast Asia. The potential is great. When you support Bible translation, you open the window of God’s Word for others.
Be assured that Lutheran Bible Translators values every donor and strives to be worthy of your trust. We recently received our seventh 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. Based on financial health, accountability and transparency, this is the highest rating awarded by the nation’s largest evaluator of charities. When you partner with Lutheran Bible Translators, you know your gifts are applied to programs that impact lives through God’s Word.
Lutheran Bible Translators provides a variety of ways to make your gift. Choose a missionary or project, send a check or give online. Make a gift in honor of a friend or loved one. Remember us on International Translation Day or Giving Tuesday. Include us in your estate planning. You can even assign your Thrivent Choice Dollars or choose to donate to Lutheran Bible Translators through Amazon Smiles.
This work is God’s mission. Long before us, our brothers and sisters in the faith did great things to spread the Gospel throughout the world. Now it’s our turn, our time. Your prayers and gifts bring Scripture to those still waiting.
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