Press Release: November 1, 2018
November 2018

- Pray for Emily Wilson and Rich Rudowske as they share about Bible translation at the Beautiful Feet Conference at Concordia University Texas Nov. 1-3.
- Pray for Eshinee Veith as she teaches at the Word for the World translator training in Zambia through Nov. 9.
- Pray for Rob Veith and the Khoekhoegowab readers’ stamina during the last three weeks of audio Scripture recording.
- Pray for God’s wisdom and good communication as Jim Kaiser (Ethiopia) checks over the translation of John in the Tsamakko language through Nov. 30.
- Pray for Rev. Kierien Ayugha as he presents a paper on Utugwang translation at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria.
- Pray for Nathan Esala as he participates in meetings in South Africa regarding his PhD work.
- Praise God for the ministry of Katie Hogan as she celebrates 1 year with LBT.
- Pray for Melissa Schweigert as she attends a human resources summit.
- Pray for Becky Grossmann (Liberia) as she works with the Gola team with the goal of getting the translation to the typesetter by year’s end.
- Pray for safe travels and good transitions as Eshinee Veith returns to the U.S. from teaching in Zambia.
- Praise God for the successful Ikom workshop and reviewers training in Abanyom, Nigeria.
- Pray for peace in the Plateau State and Nigeria in regard to their general election.
- Pray for Michaela Federwitz (missionary kid) as she grows in Christ and experiences the joys and challenges of school.
- Pray for Rich Rudowske as he shares about Bible translation at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO.
- Pray for fruitful learning and networking for Sarah Esala as she attends the Mental Health and Missions Conference.
- Pray for rich learning for Nathan Esala as he attends the Society of Biblical Literature Conference.
- Give thanks for the Crossroads trip that took place this last summer in Nigeria and pray for those considering service with LBT.
- Praise God for the success of the Mbe and Obe Scripture listening group training.
- Praise God for successful checking sessions with the Ikwerre translation team (Nigeria) this year that will add Psalms and Proverbs to their New Testament.
- Pray for safe travels and God’s blessing on those attending the Lutheran Church of Nigeria’s council meeting at the end of November.
- Praise God for the many ways David Federwitz and Jim Laesch (regional directors) encourage, equip, and guide LBT missionaries.
- Pray for wisdom for Rob Hilbert as he supports Bible translation work in Botswana.
- Praise God for the graduation of Keene Moopi and Motswasele (Botswana) from a translator training program in Zambia.
- Praise God for his healing for Tim Beckendorf (Botswana) after an accident in September.
- Praise God for the progress made towards reprinting the Yala New Testament (Nigeria) which includes Psalms.
- Pray for the Yala translation (Nigeria) checking session taking place Nov. 26-Dec. 7.
- Pray for strong relationships and wisdom as Amy Formella (Sierra Leone) engages with the community and the Mende Bible translation project.
- Pray that God will encourage and prepare Andrew Olson and his family for their first LBT assignment in Tanzania in 2019.
- Pray for wisdom and good listening skills as Sarah Esala encourages and equips LBT-ers in their ministries.
- Pray for good health, wisdom, grace to serve, and safe travels for Rev. Linus Otronyi and Rev. Kierien Ayugha (Nigeria) as they teach and oversee multiple translation projects.
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