Press Release: June 1, 2019
June 2019

- Pray for the Wagner family (Sierra Leone), that Christ’s light in them would shine bright and draw those in their neighborhood and community to Himself.
- Praise God for the organization, commitment, and passion that Eshinee Veith has as she develops and coordinates training in many areas for LBT.
- Pray for Serena and Elliot Derricks (Cameroon) as they finish French studies and begin learning Fulfulde, that the languages will stick in their brains and bear fruit in their ministry.
- Pray for the safe arrival of Kathy Knipmeyer’s (International Office) grandchild this month.
- Pray for the Kuhn family (Cameroon) as they relocate to CanIL so Mike can learn more about discourse analysis to better understand how Nizaa speakers tell stories and form arguments.
- Pray that Andrew’s (son of missionary Becky Grossmann) faith would keep growing and that he’d know God’s direction in his current and future work.
- Pray for grace as presenters at the Concordia Mission Institute prepare and fine tune their content.
- Pray for safe travel and good learning for Rev. Kierien Ayugha and Rev. Linus Otronyi (Nigeria) as they travel to Ghana for consultant training June 9-22.
- Praise God that Claude Houge (Ghana) is experiencing joy as he teaches the Federwitz kids and pray for health and wisdom as he serves.
- Pray for safe travel and productive sessions for the Ikwerre translation team (Nigeria).
- Pray that God would be with the Crossroads Ethiopia participants as they process their experiences and consider where God might be directing them to serve.
- Pray for Josh Wagner as he continues studies for his MA in Global Leadership while also working with Scripture use in Sierra Leone.
- Pray that government paperwork for the Derricks family (Cameroon) will be processed smoothly.
- Pray for peace in northern Cameroon and for safety as the Derricks family travels into their language group’s area more frequently.
- Pray for God’s blessing on the wedding and marriage of Luke Grossmann (son of missionary Becky Grossmann) and Lindsey Burkig and that God would be near to each of them as they prepare for separate deployments in the fall.
- Pray for God’s protection for Joan and Martin Weber and their co-workers in Cameroon as they prepare to publish lectionary readings in two languages in the next several months.
- Pray that Audrey Grulke (Botswana) will have great friends and insight as she crosses cultures, and that she’ll know the deep love of Jesus.
- Pray for Alfred and Jerome (Cameroon) as they complete checking and translation details to publish in their respective languages, Vuté and Kwanja.
- Pray for wisdom for Pastor Tshell Paul who is doing translation checking for the Vuté language in Cameroon.
- Pray for God to sustain Joan and Martin Weber (Cameroon) with health and strength and for healing for Joan’s vision, injuries from a couple of falls, and for filaria symptoms to be held off.
- Give thanks to God for Elijah Wagner (Sierra Leone) as he celebrates his birthday. Pray that he would fear the Lord and serve him faithfully.
- Pray for wisdom and creativity for Iantha Scheiwe and Eshinee Veith as they work out the logistics for the Concordia Mission Institute.
- Praise God for the marriage of Linus Otronyi (Nigeria) to Katherine Ushuple. Pray for a blessed marriage and thoughtful decisions as he balances work and family and seeks to grow closer to God.
- Pray for safe travels and meaningful connections for Rhoda and Claude Houge (Ghana) as they travel this month and next to connect with family and partners.
- Pray for good health and grace for the Olson family as they develop relationships and adjust to life in Tanzania.
- Pray for Ali Federwitz and Sarah Esala as they cultivate good care practices so those in LBT can thrive.
- Pray for the scheduling of visits, safe travels, and good interactions with partners as Chuck and Karen Tessaro (Nigeria) travel in the U.S. this summer.
- While Chuck Tessaro is in the U.S., the translation work continues in Nigeria. Pray for good progress despite his absence.
- Pray for clarity of thought as Nathan Esala writes the last chapters of his dissertation.
- Pray that God will pour out his grace on Jo Ann Megahan as she continues to adjust to living in the U.S. again after years in Africa.
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