Press Release: July 1, 2019
July 2019

- Pray for CMI session leaders as they make their final preparations for the upcoming conference being held in Concordia, MO.
- Pray for the African Lutheran Mission Conference July 2-5 in Abuja, Nigeria. Pray for good turn outs, funding, and good discussions.
- Pray for Rev. Linus Otronyi as he continues to coordinate work in various languages in Nigeria.
- Pray for Josh Wagner (Sierra Leone) as he completes his second residency in the UK for his master’s program. Pray also for Ruthie as she is home during this time with their four children.
- Pray that Aili Esala (MK) would keep shining her light at school and that her body would heal from sports injuries.
- Pray that God will bless the participants and planners of CMI as they come together to learn, encourage and share with one another
- May God bless Jim Kaiser with wisdom and discernment for his many responsibilities in Ethiopia and in his role as husband and father.
- Pray for the translators, travels and progress during the Obudu Luke Partnership cluster workshop in Nigeria.
- Pray that Isaiah Wagner (MK) will continue to grow in his faith and maturity.
- Pray for Rich Rudowske, Katherine Rudowske (MK) and Melissa Schweigert as they attend the National Youth Gathering July 10-13.
- Praise God for a successful first year of high school for Josiah Federwitz (MK).
- Pray for Nathan Esala as he writes his PhD dissertation and prepares presentations for several conferences in the fall.
- Pray for the Derricks family (Cameroon) as they finish their language studies and move on to the next steps of their mission work.
- Pray for Dr. Michael Megahan as he does quality checking of translations in Botswana and Tanzania.
- Pray for good adjustments and learning for Andrew and Alexis Olson as they are in Swahili Language School in Morogoro, Tanzania.
- Pray for the time of fellowship and debrief at the Concordia office for the furloughed missionaries this week.
- Pray that the Ipili team (Papua New Guinea) will be able to arrange for a translation consultant to check the book of Ruth and the first eight chapters of Exodus.
- Pray for Mike Kuhn as he participates in a 10-week Discourse Analysis Workshop. Pray that God will show him helpful insights throughout the workshop that will improve the quality of the translation work.
- Pray for the successful printing of the consultant checked portions of the Nsenga translation for use in the churches (Zambia).
- Pray for the LCMS National Convention being held in Tampa, FL, July 20-25.
- Pray for Chuck and Karen Tessaro as they make appointments and visit partners in the U.S.
- Pray for the consultant checking for the Shekgalagari and Wayeyi projects July 22-26.
- Pray that the Kerewe translators will continue to make steady progress on the book of Luke (Tanzania).
- Pray for sound judgment and protection as the Webers and their Cameroon co-workers diligently work to publish lectionary readings this summer in two languages.
- Pray for sound health, continuous motivation, and good progress for all our translation teams across the world.
- Pray that the Liberian Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO) may be able to reach out to new churches that are not yet involved in their literacy programs.
- Pray for missionary kids who are preparing to leave for another year of school. Pray that their last weeks of break will be full of fun and fellowship with their friends and family.
- Pray for the ongoing construction of the Cameroon Bible House.
- Pray that Andrew Beckendorf will grow in his faith and love of the Lord.
- Praise God for the servant’s heart of Jeannie Peterson as she serves in Gift Records.
- Praise God for the gifts that Judy Krause provides at LBT’s international offices.
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