Press Release: August 22, 2012
God is Faithful to His Workmen by Rev. Linus Otronyi

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Eph. 2:10
It is so amazing to know that we are created and redeemed for a purpose. We are not the one who determines the purpose for our lives. God had beforehand determined the purpose for which we are created. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works….” It is however disappointing to God that many are yet to discover God’s purpose for their lives. May God use us to help them discover their purpose!
God is so faithful to his workmen. It has been a very busy time both in July and early August, with studies and the Luke partnership workshop in Ogoja, etc. At first it looks so overwhelming with all the work and travels involved, but all went so well to the end. I believe that the only reason is that is what I am created to do, and the one who prepared the work for me is faithful and can be trusted. He works in us, through us, for us, with us, and among us.
At the beginning of the last workshop, there were lots of ups and down: the death and burial of one prominent priest, the attack along the road on the expatriates by the robbers, etc. But in all these, God revealed Himself as the owner of the work. If we do the part He has called us to do, he will take care of the rest.
As we started the workshop, these six languages, which never had a scripture portion in their heart language, were eager to work to see that their people have something. They were determined to conquer whatever challenges to produce some translation for their people. At the end of the second week, they all had the story of the Good Samaritan and were eager to go to the village that weekend to test the scripture with other native speakers of their language.
When they returned, like the seventy, they were all so happy and eager to share the reports. We were elated to hear the different reports they brought back. Some of the reports were as follows: “we can not believe that Jesus is speaking in our language, so he will hear us when we pray to him in our own language”; “I never knew that our language and people are so important to Jesus” ; “When will the whole Bible be ready in our language?”; “It sounds sweeter to my ear past [i.e., more than] English”; “Now I understand the story of the Good Samaritan better.”
I count myself privileged to be among the workmen He is using to build His kingdom in bringing His word closer to His people in the language of their heart. May I never lose focus of His purpose for my life.
Rev. Linus Otronyi is an LBT International Scholarship recipient, as well as one of our International Associates. He is heavily involved with translation work in the six languages of the Ogoja region of Nigeria.
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