Press Release: February 1, 2018
February 2018

- Pray for Rev. Andrew and Alexis Olson as they continue pre-field training.
- Praise God for 27 years of marriage for Becky and Al Grossmann (Liberia).
- Pray for Susan Kaiser as she serves the Lord in Ethiopia.
- Pray for wisdom and guidance as Dr. Jim Kaiser meets with the Tsamakko translation team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this month to check over their translation of the book of Matthew.
- Pray for Emily Wilson as she connects with students, faculty, and staff at Concordia University Chicago during their Missions Week.
- Pray for new translation project work beginning in Nigeria this year.
- Pray for Rev. Michael Megahan and the Bible translation mobilization teams in Tanzania as they visit 12 Kerewe language communities reaching over 600 Kerewe leaders.
- Pray that JoyAnna Federwitz (missionary kid) will continue to grow in grace and knowledge of God’s love for her.
- Praise God for the aviation ministry of Jonathan and Carrie Federwitz in service to Bible translation in Papua New Guinea.
- Pray that God would give the sending churches of LBT missionaries joy in their partnership in the Gospel and a greater understanding for how they can come alongside their missionary to support them body, mind, and spirit.
- Pray for safe travels for the Grulkes (Botswana) as they visit churches and share about their ministry.
- Pray that Gideon Kuhn (missionary kid) would have joy-filled learning and relationships.
- Pray for the Khwedam translation team in Botswana as they prepare materials for their next consultant visit on February 26-28.
- Praise God for His great love for all of humankind and the ways this message is made clearer through Scripture in the heart language.
- Pray for safe travel and good discussions for the six translation teams presently meeting for the Ikom Luke Partnership workshops and for LBT International Associate Rev. Linus Otronyi as he helps facilitate this.
- Pray for Nancy Burmeister as she helps manage language projects in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali and Niger.
- Pray for Rob Veith in his work of Scripture engagement and ethnomusicology in various projects.
- Pray for Rev. Ken Bunge and the Chaldean Bible translation project and their efforts to record portions of the New Testament.
- Pray for Christians and translation projects that are in areas experiencing persecution.
- Pray for the friends and relatives of missionaries that God would give them comfort for life events that they do not get to share together in person, understanding regarding the call to serve overseas, and guidance for meaningful ways to connect with their missionary.
- Pray for missionary kids who are homeschooling and their parents who are guiding this process.
- Pray for the Komba Old Testament translation team (Ghana) as they continue to draft portions and prepare for checking.
- Pray for insight for Rev. Rich Rudowske, Rev. David Federwitz, Jim Laesch, Emily Wilson, and Melissa Schweigert as they attend the MC2 Missionary Care conference in Minnesota today and tomorrow.
- Pray for good checking sessions for the Ikwerre team and Rev. Chuck Tessaro (Nigeria) as they prepare Psalms and Proverbs for publishing this year.
- Pray for Rev. Tim and Lisa Beckendorf (Botswana) as they celebrate their anniversary.
- Pray for wisdom for Aletheia Grossmann as she finalizes college plans, trusting God to lead and provide.
- Pray for good communication and understanding as the Khwedam translation team in Botswana meets with their consultant.
- Pray for a greater understanding for those who support the work that LBT does so they can advocate well and pray diligently as the Spirit leads.
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